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ক্যান্সার, কিডনী, লিভার সিরোসিস, স্ট্রোকে প্যারালাইজড ও জন্মগত হৃদরোগীর আর্থিক সহায়তা

Click to download Financial Assistance Application Form for Cancer, Kidney, Liver Cirrhosis, Paralyzed by Stroke, Congenital Heart Disease and Thalassemia patients.


The Department of Social Services is one of the other nation-building institutions of the government. Social welfare activities started in the country in 1955, but the Department of Social Services was created in 1961. The department created in the sixties has been upgraded to the Department of Social Services today.

The activities of this department were initially city-based and service oriented. In the context of time, the activities of this department have expanded to the grassroots level across the country. The Department of Social Services under the Ministry of Social Welfare is working relentlessly with the aim of strengthening the social safety net with comprehensive and versatile programs in the welfare and development of the poor, neglected, backward, poor, orphans, autistic and disabled people and the backward people of the society.