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The Department of Social Services has a comprehensive and multi-faceted program related to the welfare and development activities of the poor, neglected, backward, poor, orphans, disabled and backward people of the country. Constitutional commitment of the Department of Social Services, Implementing multidimensional programs including human resource development, poverty reduction, social security and social security diversion, services and welfare activities in line with the country's existing laws and regulations, sustainable development goals, national poverty alleviation strategy and government-pursued policies. The activities of the Department of Social Services have come to life under the present government, it has gained new momentum and life. At a glance, the vision and mission of the Department of Social Services in Chuadanga district.


A. Poverty Reduction Program:

1. Rural social service activities: The total amount of interest free micro loan invested is Rs. 3490758 / - and the number of beneficiaries is 928.

2. The total amount of interest free micro-loans invested in the city social service activities is Rs. 3940000 / - and the number of beneficiaries is 606.

3. The total amount of interest free micro loan disbursed by Palli Matrikendra is Tk. 3848191 and the number of beneficiaries is 614.

4. The total amount of micro loans disbursed for the rehabilitation of the burnt and disabled is Rs. 8,22,085 / - and the number of beneficiaries is 618.

B. Social Security Program: 1. Adult Allowance Program- Total number of beneficiaries is 26,981 and monthly allowance rate per capita is Rs.500 / -.

2. Widow and Husband Abuse Allowance Program - Total number of beneficiaries is 10,758 and per capita monthly allowance is Rs. 500 / -.

3. Allowance Program for Indigent Persons with Disabilities - Total number of beneficiaries is 6,239 and monthly allowance rate is Rs. 600 / - per head.

4. Education stipend program for students with disabilities - Total number of beneficiaries is 749 and per capita monthly allowance rate is Rs.500 / - for primary level, Rs.600 / - for secondary level, Rs.600 / - for higher secondary level and Rs.1,200 / - for higher level.

5. Special / Elderly Allowance Program for Vedas and Backward Classes - Total number of beneficiaries is 132 and monthly allowance rate per capita is Rs.500 / -.

6. Education stipend program for students of Vedic and backward communities: Total number of beneficiaries is 117 and per capita monthly allowance is Rs.300 / - for primary level, Rs.450 / - for secondary level, Rs.600 / - for higher secondary level and Rs.1,000 / - for higher level.

7. Special / old age allowance activities for the hijra community: The total number of beneficiaries is 11 and the per capita monthly allowance is Rs. 600 / -.

8. Hijra students' stipend program: The total number of beneficiaries is 08 and the per capita monthly allowance rate is Rs. 300 / - for primary level, Rs. 450 / - for secondary level, Rs. 600 / - for higher secondary level and Rs. 1,000 / - for higher level.

9. Muktijoddha Honorary Allowance Program: Total number of beneficiaries is 1,469 and monthly allowance rate per capita is Rs. 10,000 / -.

C. Social solidarity and development activities: 1. Government Children's Family (Girls), Chuadanga: One hundred orphan girls are being brought up with education. Capitation Grant (Registered Private Orphanage): A total of 357 orphans from 30 registered private orphanages are given a monthly capitation grant of Rs. 1,000 / - per capita.

D. Social degradation prevention activities: 1. Probation and After Care Services: This program provides for the release of children who come in contact with the law and are involved in conflicts of law in alternative ways, and for the first time, pardons of those sentenced to minor offenses are provided and training of inmates is provided.

. Disability related activities: 1. Coordinated blind education activities: Ten blind children are being brought up with education.

2. Disability Identification Survey Program: By identifying the disabled through the survey and entering the data, the identity card has been issued as a golden citizen. Aid materials have been distributed among many. The total number of persons with disabilities surveyed is 17887.

F. Community empowerment activities (registration of voluntary organizations) 1. Registration of Voluntary Organizations - A total of 502 organizations have been registered. Grants are given to some organizations every year.

G. Training activities: 1. Computer training is provided to the students through the city social service office.2. They are trained in various trades through the Vedas and the program to improve the living standards of the backward people.

H. Welfare and service activities: 1. Hospital Social Service Activities- Free medicines and other medical supplies are provided to the hospitalized patients from Sadar Hospital and Upazila Health Complex through Patient Welfare Association.2. Cancer, kidney, liver cirrhosis, stroke paralyzed and Financial Assistance Program for Congenital Heart Patients - The program provides grants of Rs. 50,000 / - to cancer, kidney, liver cirrhosis, paralyzed stroke and congenital heart patients. So far, the total number of beneficiaries is 94

The National Social Welfare Council provides one-time financial assistance to poor meritorious students for education, treatment of poor patients and persons affected by natural disasters. 4. Grants for medical assistance are provided to people with neurodevelopmental disabilities.